Training Day: How to Burn Money
You would think that Generic Corp was in the business of wasting money, not making it. Recently I had the opportunity to travel out of town to give a group training session on Vertical Safety at our sister corporation Catch-22 Inc. The trials and tribulations of this story begins with the first question - they didn’t have anyone who worked there to do this training? Answer: No. No one certified that is. Vertical Safety is a highly-sought-after specialized field. The first thing Catch-22 Inc. had to do was compile a list of how many employees were going to need this Vertical Safety training. I was told that I would find out through email. Upwards to about 25 employees. Because of the large amount of people, it was decided to break the training up into 2 days. The Day shift employees would be trained on a Saturday and the Afternoon Shift on the Sunday. Two weeks before the class I got confirmation of the first group. Something like 15 people with a promise that the second list ...